II International Festival – Contest of the Children and Youth Creativity
Tashkent city, May 3 – 7, 2019
The International Festival-Contestis held in one of the most beautiful historical cities of the world — in sunny Tashkent — the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia: the history of the city has more than 2,000 years. The city is located in the valley of Chirchik river at the foot of the high mountains — the spurs of the Western Tian-Shan. Today, it is a large modern metropolis, the fourth largest city in the territory of the former USSR.
Tashkent is distinguished by surprisingly harmonious combination of national peculiarities of architecture with the features of a modern city. The organizing committee of the contest will provide contestants with the opportunity to visit other one of the oldest cities in the world — Samarkand. This city is of the same age as Athens, Rome and Babylon, the important crossroad on the Great Silk Road. Samarkand was included in World Heritage List by UNESCO as the City — the Crossroad of Cultures.
Founders and Organizers:
“ARDUS” JV, “Zarafshan” Concert Hall
with the assistance of:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan
International Jury:
Competent people of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan and other countries.
- Goals and objectives of the Festival:
The contest is held to spread the idea of spiritual unity, friendship of nations, interethnic harmony, and to identify young talents and fully support them, as well as the main objectives of the contest are as follows:
- Strengthening of mutual understanding and friendships between children and young people of Uzbekistan and other countries of the World in the name of peace and good neighborly relations;
- Support and development of creative abilitiesof children and young people of Uzbekistan and other countries;
- Support and development of creative abilities of children and young people with disabilities;
- Exchange of experience and artistic achievements of creative groups of Uzbekistan and other countries of the World;
- Preservation and continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of different countries of the World.
- Formation of aesthetic sense in performers on the best examples of artistic creativity of children and young people from different countries of the World;
- Increase of artistic level of the repertoire of groups and performing skills of contestants according to the results of the competitive examination of the best examples of artistic creativity;
- Increase of the professional level of the group leaders;
- Development of inter-ethnic, inter-regional and international relations in the field of artistic creativity of children and young people;
- Widening of outlook, intellectual level and cultural dialogue in various fields of artistic creativity.
- Time and place of the Festival:
- The International Festival-Contest of Children and Youth Creativity «Rose of the East» is held annually in the City of Tashkent and other cities of Uzbekistan in late April, early May (October, November)
There are the following nominations of the multi-genre within the Festival: pop and folk vocals, choreography, original genre, circus art on the stage, instrumental ensembles (except for vocal and instrumental ensembles(pop-groups)), “Art fashion” theaters, choirs, etc.
Within the framework of the Festival, separate contents are held in the following nominations: pop vocal and choreography
- Qualifying rounds for contestants from Uzbekistan are held from March to May, on the basis of the “Zarafshan” Concert Hall. (according to separate Regulations)
- Open Republican Festival-Contest “Winter Patterns” is held in late December and early January. There are the nominations: choreography — Uzbek dance, Russian dance, dances of the peoples of the World, choreographic performances for winter and fairy-tale themes; vocals – show numbers for the winter and fairy-tale themes. There are show programs with winter themes (according to the separate Regulations) in the Festival program.
- The content and conditions of the Festival-Contest
Children and youth creative groups and individual performers of Uzbekistan who have passed preliminary qualifying rounds (Annex No. 1), as well as children and youth creative groups and individual performers from the countries of near and far abroad can take part in the Festival.
(The organizing committee reserves the right to change and add nominations and various genres of the contest)
The winners are elected according to the results of the contest — 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in the following nominations:
- Choreography— groups;
- Pop vocals— solo, duet, trio, quartet.
Laureates, prize-winners and contestantsare elected in the Festival program.
Contestantsare divided into age categories:
In the International contest of children creativity:
- Up to 8 years old
- From 9 to 12 years old
- From 13 to 17 years old
In the International youth content:
- From 18 to 28 years old
In the mandatory qualifying rounds for contestantsfrom Uzbekistan:
Children content — from 5 to 17 years old
Youth content — from 18 to 28 years old
The laureatesof the International Festival-Content «Rose of the East» who are citizens of Uzbekistan cannot enjoy preferential rights when entering the universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Election of winners and prizes of the content:
- The jury of the content elects the winners of three degrees in each age group and the winner – the holder of the Grand Prixaccording to the results of voting and points scored at the general meeting; only onecontestantof the content (regardless of age category) becomes the winner, who received the highest scores of the jury and received the highest number of votes at the general meeting of the jury members;
- If the contestantsreceive the same total scores, the final rating of the contestantis determined by voting of the jury members at the general meeting;
- The decisionof the general meeting of the jury membersis finaland not subject to revision;
- Audience Choice Award is determined by votes of the audience (if such prize is established by the organizers or sponsors);
- All participants of the Festival-Content will be awarded with Diploma of Laureates, Diploma of Prize Winners or Diploma of Contestants, as well as prizes to the winners from the founders, organizers and guests of the festival.
- The symbol of the festival is the rose. This is the most beloved and revered flower, not only in the East and in Central Asia, but throughout the World. Its beauty was glorified by many poets. Rose is rightfully recognized as the queen of flowers. Roses are so diverse in their aesthetic character and expressiveness that they can be the absolute symbol of perfection and grace. The winners are awarded with figurines of the queen of flowers:
Grand Prix — big red rose, 1st place (gold) — yellow rose, 2nd place (silver) — white rose, 3rd place (bronze) — cream rose, and pale pink rose for prize-winners.
Laureates of the Festival are awarded with the “Rose of Flowers”.
- The organizers, founders, jury members and sponsors can establish special prizes.
- Competitive program:
- The first day of the contest-a pop song of the composer of the country is performed in the language of the country that the contestant represents;
- Contestants not from Uzbekistan can take part in special nomination — a song of Uzbek authors, in Uzbek language;
- The second day of the contest— a pop song of the “World hit” category is performed;
Accompaniment is high-quality phonogram “minus one” (mini-disk, CD or USB flash drive). The recording of the auxiliary voice (backing vocals) is permissible if it does not duplicate the main voice (melodic line) and interfere with the listening of the performer. Duration is no more than 4 (four) minutes. The phonogram is provided directly by the contestant.
Evaluation criteria:
— musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical composition;
— purity of intonation and sound quality;
— beauty of timbre and power of voice;
— scenic culture;
— complexity of repertoire;
— compliance of the repertoire with performance capabilities and age category of
— performance skill.
The first day of the contest– a dance of the country represented by the contestant (folk, pop, stylized) is performed, the contestants from Uzbekistan perform Uzbek dance, or the dance of the peoples of the world.
The second day of the contest– a choreographic number in any genre is performed
Evaluation criteria:
— performance arts — technique of movement performance;
— compositional construction of the number;
— correspondence of the repertoire to the age features of the performers;
— staginess (plasticity, costume, properties, performance culture);
— selection and matching of musical and choreographic material;
— artistry, disclosure of the artistic image.
A quality phonogram is recorded on a separate CD, MD or USB flash drive with two contest tracks, which must contain the name of the team, the name of the two contest numbers, and duration of the sound tracks.
Festival program:
The festival can be attended by groups and soloists of various pop genres, folklore groups, vocal studios, fashion theaters, dance groups, instrumental ensembles (except for vocal and instrumental ensembles (pop-groups)), choirs, etc.
Festival program of each delegation should not exceed 30 minutes, and 10 minutes for soloists.
- Organizational requirements:
- The costs of participation in the contest (travel, accommodation, food, concert costumes, phonograms, excursion services, accreditation fee, …) are borneby the contestants or the persons (organizations) representing them.
* Children and young people with disabilities participate in the contest on favorable conditions (no accreditation fee is charged).
- The organizing committee of the contest guarantees the placement of contestants and accompanying persons in hotels, upon prior requests from delegations. The categories of rooms and their cost are agreed with the organizing committee after receiving the relevant requests for accommodation.
- The amount of the arrangement fee for participation in the contest, payment for sightseeing trips, and other expenses for the stay of contestants and accompanying persons at the Festival-Contest will be calculated separately each year, and will be sent on preliminary requests from contestants.
- Special conditions
- The participant of the Festival-Contests “Winter Patterns” and “Rose of the East” allows to use his/her image in the production of promotional products by the Directorate of the Festival and agrees to use his/her name in connection with the International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Rose of the East”;
- The participant of the Festivals-Contests “Winter Patterns” and “Rose of the East” entitles the Directorate of the Festival: to publicly use musical compositions (materials submitted for the Contest) and demonstrate for informational, advertising and other purposes, reproduce through any mass media and in any way within the framework of the International Festival-Contest of Children and Youth Creativity “Rose of the East”, produce audio and video products based on concert performances in the framework of the International Festival-Contest of Children and Youth Creativity “Rose of the East” for the purpose of distribution only for advertising and promotion of the festival.
Applications for participation are received at the following address:
Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Matbuotchilar Street, 17, «Zarafshan» Cinema Concert Hall,
e-mail: roza-vostoka@mail.ru, tel.: 8 (371) 232-16-52, (+99890) 953-43-25,
group of East Rose in Telegram:(+99890) 931-66-32
Our website: www.ardus.uz
Executive Director of the
Contest «Rose of the East» A. O. Ivannikova
Application for participation in the Festival-Contest “Rose of the East 2019”
- The full name of the group, the name of the artist (stage name) _______________________________________________________________________________
- Address, telephone, fax, e-mail
- Given name and surname of the group leader _______________________________________________________________________________
- Sending party
- Given name and surname of the group director
- Number of people:
Total ________________________________
Including girls__________________________
- Number of accompanying persons
Total ________________________________
Including women_________________________
- Brief description of the group, performer
- Performance program in nominations (title of composition, authors, timing)
- What technical assistance is need for your performance of the program (organizing committee will, if possible, try to provide you with this assistance)
Date __________ Signature _________________
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